Mobile Payments Benefit the Consumer, Too! Here’s How. 

Mobile payment options are a given today for businesses. Check out our blog here if you’re a business and still not using mobile payments. There’s absolutely no reason you shouldn’t be taking mobile payments - not only is it the present and future of transactions, but it’s the easiest way to take and receive payments. 

But what about the consumer? 

Consumers reap numerous benefits when it comes to using mobile payments. 

  • Convenience. Your phone is always there, even if you don’t want to admit it. You might leave your purse, wallet, and car keys somewhere, but who leaves their phone anymore?!

Furthermore - you can put all of your cards onto your phone. This eliminates fumbling with multiple cards, cash, or heaven forbid, checks. :) 

  • Time. Waiting in long lines? No more of that. Searching for your card, waiting on cash back, hoping your waitress returns in the near future? Eliminated. Mobile payments allow you as a consumer to pay, receive your purchase, and be on your way. 

  • Security. Mobile payments are significantly more secure than swiping a card. Ever get annoyed with those two-factor authentications? Those are keeping your phone and payment methods extra safe. Other methods include biometrics, face recognition, fingerprint scanning, and other layers of security. 

  • Pay from anywhere, anytime! Favorite store is closed? Maybe the closest Nordstrom Rack is two hours away? With mobile payments, none of that matters. You can order online anytime, anywhere - so long as you have your phone.

  •  Save money. Might sound odd that you can save money, especially when spending it via mobile is so quick and easy to do. However, how many times have you gone shopping at a brick-and-mortar store, haphazardly throwing things into the cart, only to be shocked when that total shows up on the screen? With mobile pay, you can see your total before committing. Maybe you remove a few things. Or, maybe you had a few. ;) 

    • Some companies even offer deals and discounts for shopping online! 

To sign up for TelosPay, click here.


Interview with Connie: How TelosPay has changed the way Big Red Bail Bonds does business.


7 Reasons To Use TelosPay As Your Payment Processor